According to the Coast Guard Compass, the month of April has the highest percentage of boating accidents resulting in death across the nation. Boating is a popular activity in the Allentown area, but it can turn into a nightmare when alcohol is a factor. Warm weather will arrive before you know it, so we thought it was a good time to remind our Lehigh County neighbors about the dangers of boating under the influence.
Most people view boats as expensive but harmless pieces of machinery to use in whiling away the hottest summer months. In truth, a boat is a vehicle requiring the same caution and respect used when operating a car or a truck. If you believe it is dangerous to drink alcohol and drive your car, why would you risk personal injury or death by boating under the influence?
Even if you would never operate a boat while drinking, you may still be in danger of suffering an accident. For example, if you accept an invitation to join a neighbor’s boating excursion and the alcohol is flowing, you are still at risk of personal injury if the worst happens.
We know you want to make the most of your summer and we would never tell you not to enjoy the open water on a boat. However, we do like to advocate water safety at all times. Making sure the boat operator on all of your water activities never consumes alcohol is one way to protect yourself and your loved ones.
As always, you can find authoritative insight into legal solutions tailored to personal injury victims by browsing our blog and our website. For more about boating under the influence, please visit the Coast Guard’s blog.